"Boquillas Early Morning" 20" x 24" oil
Last Spring the Outdoor Painters Society held a
five-day paintout at Big Bend National Park. I
had never been to Big Bend, much less painted there.
The first morning Bob Rohm, Chase Almond, Fred Hulser
and I took the hike into Boquillas Canyon where I
produced a good 11" x 14" sketch. This is the
studio version produced from my sketch.
We were in the canyon for about two hours.
There is an older gentleman who lives in a hut
across the river. He serenades visitors to the
canyon and his wonderful tenor melodies echoed through
the canyon as we painted. On the way out of the canyon
our morning singer met us on the trail to accept
donations. It all added up to a good morning paintout
and my first trip into the canyon.