"Day's Done" 8" x 10"

"Poppy" 8" x 10" oil

"Salado Barn" 8" x 10" oil
Here are three of the nine paintings
I produced over three days at the
Jill Carver Workshop in Salado.
The workshop was put on by
the Andreeva Academy...check
them out.
In a workshop I tend to push myself
into new directions and try to
take some risks. If they work out
great...if not...nothing lost. I took
this workshop primarily because
Jill Carver was teaching and, more
importantly, painting.
I've painted with Jill before, but I've
always been consumed with producing
my own piece without really paying
attention to what she was doing. But
her results have always blown me away
and I wanted the opportunity to just watch
her paint. I did and it was definitely worth
it, but I got so much more.
It will be the little things when added to
my work will make a huge difference
in the finished pieces.
My wife, Tracy, went with me which was
a first for us because I get so intense
during workshops. We stayed in a
turn of the century log cabin bed and
breakfast place. Had the gourmet breakfasts
and everything. We had a great time to boot.