Saturday, July 24, 2010


My two paintings (pictured below)
"Washout Patterns" and "Alberta Falls"
were selected into the Top 100 for the
Paint the Parks competition.

"Alberta Falls" 20" x 24" oil/c

"Washout Patterns" 24" x 30" oil/c

Sunday, July 11, 2010


"Santa Elena Canyon" 36" x 48" oil/c

I've been so busy with painting for the
"35 on 35" show I've kinda neglected my
duties as blogmaster. So just to let you know
I haven't fallen of the face of the earth
and that I am busily painting, I posted
this painting of Big Bend icon Santa
Elena Canyon. Going to Big Bend and not
painting Santa Elena would be the same
as painting in the Tetons and not
painting the Pinnacles.

I'm also preparing for a trip to the Grand Canyon
in August so I need to start painting
subject matter from the area. It's my
practice to do studies from previous trips
or photos to get myself ready for trips
to a location I'm not accustomed to.
So over the next couple of weeks expect
to see a few of those appear here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Me with my "Estess Ranch" painting.

My "35 on 35" painting project kicked
into high gear last weekend with a
preview of the first ten paintings.
It's fourth of July so today I have little time
to post, but I wanted to share the concept
behind the show. In November I will have my
first one-man show entitled "35 on 35".
Thirty five paintings of scenes along IH 35 from
Dallas to San Antonio. Each painting will
have a GPS marking on the back so the
collector can go to the exact spot where I stood
and did the painting.

The picture with this post shows me standing
with my painting "Estess Ranch" and you can
see the ranch on the horizon behind me.
The highway is fifty yards to my left. I have
already met several people who live in Dallas and
have driven by this ranch 100s of times and never knew
it was there until they saw my painting.

I feel good sharing a piece of Texas in this way.

The frame is a King of Frame "Plein Air #1".