Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Back in the studio this week after
teaching a five-day plein air workshop
in Wimberley, Texas deep in the heart
of the Hill Country. The weather was
perfect which always makes for a more
pleasant experience.

I had a really good group of students
being the eager sponges that they were.
Full of questions and anxious to paint.
I have discovered that workshops kind
of follow a pattern. There's the initial
excitement of the students wanting to
"get after it" to quote Joshua Bean. By
day three there's the midweek lull when I'm
getting tired and students begin to question
why they're there. Then on day four light bulbs
start going off in the students' heads and by
day five it all comes together as the students
start to produce really nice work.

Here I am producing another demo on
day two. Up to this point we have been
doing black and white block ins. This
was the first day to slap on some color.

Roy Smith taking a breather.

Helping Melinda Mason move from
block-in to finish.

Roy making it happen at
Pedernales State Park.

Obviously saying something profound
and important to Sally and Melinda.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good Mr. Jones, really enjoying looking at your work! Looks like you had a great workshop - you're so good!
