"I35 Cactus" 9"x12" oil/linen
Here's one of the new paintings for my
"35 on 35" show. The advantage of being
forced (self-imposed, of course) to do so
many paintings in a short time frame is
it really makes you focus and I think my style
is becoming apparent to me.
When you line the paintings up against the wall
and look at the whole group of 30 paintings,
you begin to see things you like and don't
like. I can tell that the paintings I've done
over the past two weeks are stronger than
those I did earlier in the summer. I'm
not knocking the earlier work, I am just
more satisfied with the latest stuff.
The last set of five paintings will be larger.
I'm done with the 8"x10" and 9"x12" sizes.
Now its time to sink my teeth into a few
more complex and larger pieces.
I just found your blog . . . your paintings are beautiful. I love the colors and brushstrokes in your work.