Monday, July 1, 2013


Okay, first of all I have rethunk my promise to post twice a week. Ain't gonna happen. In my typical fashion I bit off more than I can chew so I have to back off a bit and post once a week. If for any reason things happen to warrant two posts in one week...I will do so.

Now to today's post. Earlier this month along with Marc Hanson, Frank Gardner and Hodges Solieau I participated in the "En Plein Air" show at R S Hanna Gallery ( Fredericksburg.

The event was well attended and Shannon put on a stellar reception like she always does.

All of the artists works were elegantly displayed in a front room. I was extremely pleased with the corner displaying my new work.

With Shannon Hanna in my corner, all smiles and enjoying the  reception crowd. Below are a few of the pieces I presented at the show.

"No More Harvests"  9" x 12"  oil

"Red Rock Canyon"  12" x 16"  oil

"Along the Blanco"  12" x 16"  oil

"Work Horse"  12" x 16"  oil

The reception was on a Friday night, but I took a couple of days before the show to do several on location paintings and take a bunch of photo reference for paintings that will be done in the studio later. The highlight of my trip was getting to spend a day painting with my good friend Bob Rohm.

Bob and I spent the morning painting Cow Creek a few miles east of Marble Falls. It didn't take long before the heat baked us and we retired to a local eatery for iced tea and burgers.


  1. Wonderful work. I enjoy each piece that you paint. You are an inspiration. Keep on pushing the
    paint around. Thanks for sharing your work.
