Friday, January 4, 2013


Out with old, in with the new. I spent the better part of the holidays managing the Holiday Art sale which turned out to be a great success. It drove nearly 10,000 viewers to my website and I gained 85 new subscribers to my monthly newsletter.

Before I move forward into the new year, I will take time over the next week to reflect on 2012. I will share my top 10 artists who influence my work and the top 10 artists I think you should be watching. Some of the young people in this country have so much talent at such an early age and with the internet have created enormous followings in a very short time.

But for today I will just share one of four paintings I have entered into the Plein Air Southwest Salon. I painted this retired harvester last summer near Hillsboro, Texas. There is a John Deer harvester dealer next to the highway and in the back lot they keep about a dozen of these relics.

"No More Harvests"  9" x 12" 

I painted this in the middle of the big heat wave we had during the summer. The heat forced me to paint quickly and I kind of like the results. I got a really bad case of chiggers in the process as well.


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