Friday, November 4, 2011


"Rockport Shrimper" 8" x 10" plein air

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Just got back from teaching a four-day workshop in Wimberley, Texas. I will post pictures and paintings from the workshop later. Right now I have to do a couple of paintings for the 6 x 6 show for the Randy Higbee Gallery. In the meantime, I have posted a new painting on Ebay. This is from one of my trips to the Texas coast. Rockport is a fishing slash resort community just east (or is it north?) of Port Aransas where I usually hang out. This shrimper could be one of thousands found in Texas.

I have painted many since this painting and will do many more just because they represent the subject I am most drawn to which is the hard working, scratch-out-a-living subject. I think that's why old barns, hay balers, shrimp boats and the open landscape attract my attention. Anyway, gotta go with you later.

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