Saturday, April 23, 2011


"Blue Shadows" 9" x 12" oil/line

Bluebonnet paintings are a lot like still life
paintings for me. I do them, but not very often.
I guess if I lived in the Hill Country or somewhere I could
paint them more en plein air I might get to where I feel
more comfortable doing them. For some reason I always
feel like I need to scratch the back of my neck when doing
a bluebonnet painting. I think part of it is I grew up and
live in Texas so people naturally assume as a Texas artist
that painting bluebonnets should come easy. I'm here to tell ain't easy.

This one is more successful than the ones I've done in
the past, but I struggled over this more than any
other painting in the show. In the end it was mind over
matter as I put down the final strokes of paint and felt
good about what I had accomplished.


  1. This is beautiful and you did a fine job creating a nice play of color and light and sense of depth. Love it!

  2. You really got the right color blue. That's always one of the most important things about a bluebonnet painting.

  3. Love the composition! Very energetic. Nice brush strokes.

  4. Thanks a lot everybody. Your comments have given me the confidence to stick this one in a frame and call it done.
