Monday, December 20, 2010


"Red Canyon" 8" x 10" oil/c

My second painting from Canyon De Chelly.
Canyon De Chelly is an inspirational place
to paint and well worth the trek to Northeast
Arizona. Painting from the base requires hiring
a Navajo guide but it is worth the expense.
To paint from the base as Edgar Payne and
many other notable American landscape painters
have is an awesome experience. There are
paintings everywhere you look.

I spent three days painting from the base with
William Kalwick, Jr., Kaye Franklin, Fran Ellisor
and Steve Atkinson. It was a trip of a life time and
I can't wait to go back.


  1. Such color in those rocks! It looks amazing there.

  2. We just went to Canyon de Chelley last month, our first time there! We hiked to the bottom. I'm ready to go back and paint! You really captured it!.

  3. Thanks Susan and Pam. I'm working on a bigger piece now and then back to a couple of small ones from Big Bend

  4. Beautiful combination of warm and cool colors. Great sense of atmosphere!
    Glad you had a great time on your painting excursion :)
