"Cargill Grain Eelvator" 10" x 20" oil/c
Standing several stories tall just north of Temple
is the Cargill Grain Elevator. Those who
follow my work know I have a thing for
grain elevators. I like the old wooden
ones which are very hard to find these days.
For my "35 on 35" show I was looking for something
in the Temple to Waco area and this caught my
eye. I don't know how many times I've
driven past it and never taken notice.
On this particular day it stood out because
the sky was clearer and bluer than usual so
I ventured off the highway set up my easel
and did a quick color sketch. Something about
the composition kept bringing me back to
the sketch. I liked the way the railroad tracks
take your eye into the painting and the way
the trees on the right balanced the tall buildings.
This studio version made the show based on the
strength of the design more than anything else.
All-in-all not an overly inspiring piece but a good
documentary painting of life in central Texas.
really fine color harmony in your paintings.