"Seeking Shade" 8" x 10" oil/linen
This painting is actually the second of the
day from the same location. I had stopped
along the access road in Buda, Texas to paint
a series of barns. A group of about ten cows
made their way across the field in front of
me and had began to settled in under the one
tree that was providing the only shade.
The problem was the tree was not very large
and, consequently, was not throwing a large
enough shadow to provide enough shade
for all the cows.
One by one they backed into the shade, found their
spot and settled in. Bringing up the rear was this one
yearling and by the time he got to the shade all of
the spots had been taken. He tried to
muscle his way in but none of the other cows
would budge leaving him no choice but to blop
down in full sun. I found the whole process
quite comical. I finished my barn scene, turned
my canvas and knowing the cows weren't going
anywhere for a while painted this scene.
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