Sunday, November 28, 2010

"35 on 35" NOW ONLINE

"Style Station" 9' x 12" oil/linen

The entire "35 on 35" show is now online.
Go to my website
to see the entire show.

I have taken a few days off from any serious
painting and, therefore, do not have a lot
to blog about these days. I have made an
important discovery that I will begin to share over
the next week or two as I return to the studio
and begin a new series of paintings.

Early on I kept hearing the phrase "you have to find
you own voice" in reference to developing a style
that is uniquely your own. Funny thing about
doing a one-man show that requires you to
produce thirty five paintings over a short period
of time. Unknowingly...I found my voice and over
the next couple of blog sessions I will share my
discovery and the process I've gone through
to get to the point where I not only discovered
"my voice" but also like "my voice". Stay tuned.


  1. Hey Rusty, Sorry I missed the show, had a family wedding that weekend. I've been keeping up with the progress and it looks beautiful. Love the paintings and loving your voice!

  2. Thanks Bev. I just joined your blog, so I will be watching you too.

  3. Thanks Rusty, that should keep me on my toes! Pressures on!

  4. Well, Rusty Jones, you are a wonderful painter. I thoroughly enjoyed your "35x35" show. Your compositions and ability to capture the various moods of nature is most excellent. You are not a one trick pony. Good work, my friend.

  5. Thank you so much John. Means a lot coming from a good friend and talented painter.
