Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"San Antonio River Bridge" 9" x 12" oil/linen

Sometimes so much attention gets
paid to the missions in San Antonio
that the Riverwalk bridges get overlooked
as painting subjects. This one, in particular,
is in shadow most of the day because it is
sandwiched between two highrise hotels.
When it gets around noontime the stonework
in the bridge lights up for about thirty
minutes before it quietly drifts back
into shadow.

I have painted this bridge three or four times.
It is in a high traffic area so I stand in a
garden away from the sidewalk right below
the Little Rhine Steakhouse.The steakhouse
patrons have a perfect viewing of me painting.
Not a good time to produce a junker.


  1. This is a lovely painting. Its good you didn't overlook this special scene. It must be a bit intimidating to paint with a captive audience. You left this spontaneous and fresh. I like that about it.

  2. Thanks Susan. I find painting in a panic mode helps with being spontaneous.
