Friday, September 18, 2009


"Farmhouse" 9" x 12" oil/c

Throughout central Texas farmhouses such
this one are everywhere and make great
This one is on highway 290 as you
come out of
Johnson City heading towards
I happen to catch it late in
the day as the summer
sun was baking
the west wall.

I'm off the Arizona today, stopping at
Palo Duro Canyon
along the way. Taking
the laptop and hope to post a few
from the trip.


  1. Hi Rusty, I've just recently come upon your blog and, gosh!, what beautiful painting! Gorgeous landscapes and amazing colours. And so fun to see your scenes of Arizona - I was born in Tucson, family is from Arizona, but have transplanted myself to France to pursue my art here. I look forward to following your blog in the future and have added a link to mine - hope that's OK with you. All best wishes to you from Paris, Aliaena

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Aliaena: Thanks for visitng and your nice comments. Being from Arizona you will really enjoy this week's postings. Just got back from painting in Canyon De Chelly and produced some nice stuff. I will be posting the paintings all this week.
