"McKinney Ranch" 9" x 12" SOLD
This plein air painting was produced during the
Plein Air Texas paintout last April and sold at the show
held at Southwest Gallery. This abandoned barn sits about
100 yards off a small country road near Frisco. Old barns
like this one make for an interesting subject
because it makes you think about the history and the
lives that have passed throught it.
Why build it here? Who built it and how long ago
was it erected? What was life like back then?
These kind of thoughts occupy my mind as I spend
an hour or two capturing the structure in paint on a
9" x 12" piece of canvas.
Rusty, welcome to the world of blogging. I've only being doing this since February and was embarrassingly stiff at first, but it didn't take long to get my "blogging voice." Your painting is beautiful. Let us see more!