I am in Wimberley, Texas studying with
Skip Whitcomb. Here is a pic of Skip
orchestrating his morning demo.

Skip begins each painting with a detailed
thumbnail sketch. I've not made sketching
part of my painting routine yet, but by
the end of this week I'm sure it will become
part of the process.
Here I am in student mode. Notice
the white paint on my neck. Typical
location for wayward paint. Also popular
spot for ultramarine blue and, my
favorite, thalo green. I wonder
if Monet lived in the same era
of Sorolla if they would have studied
together. Stupid thought, but that's
where the artistic mind goes sometimes.
For more information on upcoming
workshops being put on by Wimberley
Artist Workshops go to:
You did some great paintings in the workshop and Skip did a great job of opening my eyes to some great ideas.
Jim Bragg
Enjoyed painting with you as well Jim. Please say hi to Scott for me and paint well.
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