"Sure Cast" 11" x14"
Here is one of my paintings that will be
up for grabs at tonight's Collectors Covey
Miniature Show. There is a moment during
a cast when your fly is behind your head and
you have made the forward pull to place
the fly in an exact presentation. Briefly
you know the cast is perfect even before
the fly ever lands on the water. All you do is
wait for the strike you know is going to come.
I call it "feeling the tug". Flyfishing is the
purest form of fishing. The feel of the water
against your waders and the smell of a
mountain stream full of fish all add up to
a great day outdoors. But it is the "feel
of the tug" when a trout has chosen your
fly as its next morsel that makes it all
worth while.
you captured the essence of flyfishing perfectly. Nice cast!
The colors in this piece are absolutely beautiful!
Thanks Pat and Pam. The painting sold last night. I had several really nice conversations with collectors about the piece. The fishermen commented on the cast and the art lovers commented on composition and color. I have been asked to do a larger version which I will get to soon.
Way to go Rusty. You truly captured the essence and soul of a fine day on the river.
Ran up there today and was able to see your paintings. I liked this online, but it looked even better in person.
Very nice!
Thanks Perry and Randy.
In quest'opera mi colpisce soprattutto l'uso del colore che denota un'ottima conoscenza della tecnica dela pittura "ad olio".
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